Sunday, 10 March 2013

The Adventures of Dojo Chapter 4.

It was going to be a tough job to look after Dojo, but someone had to to it!  This time Dexter rose to the challenge and here's what the pair got up to.

How do you keep a bear from talking?


By giving him his favourite food of course! and while he's eating it and can't talk, watch that film you've been dying to see for ages.

It was a risky move, but Dexter had it all sorted.  Dojo loves nothing better than talking all the way through films, giving away the plot before it happens and basically giving the directors pointers about how they could of made the film better if..........!

So the tactical popcorn move of giant proportions was guaranteed to give Dexter's ears some rest and there may have been some casualties in the chocolate button department too.

I hadn't told Dexter this but I never take Dojo bowling after our last experience.
He seemed  to find it funny that every time I got a strike he hit me ! Now I've told him time and time again that karate is only practised in the training hall and that when I scream (yes, scream as it doesn't often happen) strike, it's only because I've knocked all the pins down NOT that I'm expecting an attack!

I'm sure Dojo behaved as Dexter is one of the politest young men I know and probably has more skills in the bowling alley than myself .  It takes alot of hand and eye co-ordination something I'm sure that Dexter can teach Dojo.
 that where Dexter lives ?

Looks like they both had a wonderful day out dragging the rest of the family around Castle Howard. I hope Dojo didn't make Dexter carry him all the way around, but he's still smiling when this picture was taken and to be honest it's really difficult to get a piggy back from Dojo... (or to get him to carry any of his own stuff!)

Haxby Karate Kids 6.30pm to 7.30pm Monday and Thursday ONLY £10 a month. Haxby Karate Kids is part of Haxby Shotokan Karate Club, Wigginton Recreation Hall, The Village, Haxby, York, YO32 2PL

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